With its debut on February 25, The Roadrunner Review, an online literary journal produced by La Sierra University students, opened an avenue for college writers into the world of professional writing. The brainchild of associate professor of English Sari Fordham, the...
When K2 Snowboarding’s global senior designer Ricky Raboteau creates new looks for upcoming lines of boards, he talks to snowboarders on the slopes and takes information from focus groups before laying out patterns, shapes and colors. Raboteau takes note of how...
This winter La Sierra University’s Zapara School of Business launched its first out-of-state Master of Business Administration program in sunny Hawaii, offering graduate courses designed for busy health care professionals. The MBA cohort program at Adventist Health...
Join basketball legend Bill Walton at the second Frank Jobe Memorial Gala on October 23 at the Riverside Convention Center. The black-tie event starts with a reception at 7 p.m., followed by dinner and an evening of conversation with the long-time star of the NBA’s...
Universities exist to explore and advance humanity through knowledge and the expansion of it. A library is the heart of a university, as Fritz Guy will tell you. It is only fitting that our library should bear the name of someone who embodies the advancement of...
September 2019 New student orientation: Eagles Landing (new student dorm move-in) September 18, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Campus residence halls Parent Blessing Service September 18, 6 p.m. Troesh Conference Center Ignite Mountain Experience (new students) September 19-20 First...
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