Short Takes
Roadrunner Review pieces garner prizes; Social work alumni co-hosts mental health podcast; La Sierra faculty release new books on Adventism and music; Sergio Florian breaks Oahu Circumnavigation Run record.
Roadrunner Review pieces garner prizes; Social work alumni co-hosts mental health podcast; La Sierra faculty release new books on Adventism and music; Sergio Florian breaks Oahu Circumnavigation Run record.
This list of book recommendations focuses primarily on anti-racism, and includes suggestions ranging from Amanda Gorman’s “The Hill We Climb” to “Ariel Samson: Freelance Rabbi.”
La Sierra University welcomes Pastor Jason Decena to the Office of Spiritual Life and Andrew Bain to the Department of Music. Get to know them through this special Q&A.
A few weeks ago, I participated in a virtual meeting where the presenter was asked to speak about leading in a crisis. He began by stating, “No one in leadership, certainly not me, has lived through a pandemic. You, just like me, are doing the best you can with the information you have at the moment.”
I truly believe that God has worked in mysterious ways in my life—and I can testify that attending La Sierra University was one of them. Coming from an immigrant family, I knew that…
The notion of good health and longevity reigns widely in the United States, often overlooking those struggling with poor health and disease. Many may not realize how fortunate they are…
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