Calling all La Sierra University alumni! You’re invited to join us April 16-17 for Virtual Homecoming 2021, a special family-oriented series of events ranging from honors presentations to faculty lectures to celebrations of our honored classes and premium alumni.
To learn more, view the schedule, and register, please visit lasierra.edu/homecoming.
Pre-Med Society’s Guatemala mission trip goes virtual
The task facing La Sierra’s Pre-Medical Society last fall was daunting – take an annual mission trip to Guatemala that provides badly needed aid…online.
La Sierra Giving Day surpasses $400,000 goal
La Sierra University’s inaugural Giving Day surpassed its original goal of $400,000 by more than $7,000 with donations from over 400 donors.
STEM students at center of new Title V program
A federal grant program aimed at addressing inequities in STEM education is under implementation at La Sierra University.
La Sierra launches rapid-testing in conjunction with virologist Dr. Arturo Diaz
Widespread testing has long been touted as one of the best ways to control the COVID-19 pandemic and save lives.
Virtual archaeology event connects more than 200 people around the world
It was midnight in Germany when an archaeology event highlighting ancient discoveries began streaming live from 6,000 miles away at La Sierra University.
Rocky Twyman tells about Nobel Peace Prize Campaign for John Lewis
Rocky Twyman wants your signature on his petition to secure a Nobel Peace Prize for his friend, Congressman John Lewis.
Also in this issue
As alumni of La Sierra University, you are spread across the globe—and through La Sierra University Magazine, we hope to not only stay in touch with you, but to convey your passion, your impact, and your story to our wide readership.
Passion Project: Habitat Hunter
From taking measurements in a California laboratory to hands-on fieldwork in Malaysia and Israel, Amanda Kaatz has experienced it all thanks to her involvement in Dr. Lee Grismer’s current research projects.
Revealing Research: Pivotal octopus, ocean acidity study attracts international media
The collaborative work of scientists at La Sierra and Walla Walla has widened the scientific window into the potential effects of climate change.
Short Takes
Roadrunner Review pieces garner prizes; Social work alumni co-hosts mental health podcast; La Sierra faculty release new books on Adventism and music; Sergio Florian breaks Oahu Circumnavigation Run record.
All Booked Up: Winter 2021 Reading Recommendations
This list of book recommendations focuses primarily on anti-racism, and includes suggestions ranging from Amanda Gorman’s “The Hill We Climb” to “Ariel Samson: Freelance Rabbi.”
Office Hours
La Sierra University welcomes Pastor Jason Decena to the Office of Spiritual Life and Andrew Bain to the Department of Music. Get to know them through this special Q&A.
- Natalie Romero ’11, ’13
- Darla Martin Tucker ’15
- Natalie Romero ’11, ’13
- Scott Steward
- Kendra Kravig ’10, ’12
News Editor
- Darla Martin Tucker ’15
Photo Editor
- Natan Vigna ’00, ’01
Design & Development
- Eric Melgosa
- Marcelo Vetter ’17
- Chris Wilden ’12