Help Us Tell Our Story!

La Sierra University is in the process of producing an institutional history for our upcoming 100th anniversary. Chapters have already been assigned, and authors are hard at work, but we could use your help!
Please send us memories and/or photos focused on any aspect of the school from your time here—faculty, student life, campus grounds, etc.—that you think might be useful to us as we put together this history. Any/all submissions will be accepted for consideration, although we prefer memories of 500 words or less and no more than 5 photographs. Please email your submissions to by no later than August 15. All materials are subject to editing.
Thank you for helping tell and preserve the La Sierra story, a century in the making.
Nearly 200 La Sierra grads attend drive-through celebration
After 14 weeks of online classes, isolation, and cancellation of their traditional commencement weekend due to Covid-19, La Sierra University’s graduates were eager for a way to safely gather and celebrate.
Class of 1960 reaches $100K scholarship fundraising goal
It took numerous mini campaigns and dozens of phone calls to his former La Sierra College classmates, but fundraiser Norman Vance and fellow class members got the job done — the Class of 1960 Endowed Scholarship Fund reached its $100,000 goal in April.
Zapara School of Business achieves milestone toward AACSB accreditation
La Sierra University’s Tom and Vi Zapara School of Business is celebrating a significant milestone in its journey toward achieving accreditation by one of the world’s premier business accreditation organizations.
La Sierra University’s film, TV production BFA redesigned for workforce demand
With an eye toward better meeting the skill-sets desired by employers, La Sierra University is rolling out a revised Bachelor of Fine Arts degree this quarter for its popular Film and Television Production program.
Pre-med student aids COVID patients as New York EMT
When senior pre-med student Marielis George received the email in March announcing La Sierra University’s transition online due to the advancing pandemic, she faced a daunting reality.
Finding Justice and Equity for Black Americans
In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, Dr. Joy Fehr, Dr. Ricardo Graham, and La Sierra’s Divinity School faculty have spoken out against racism. In these calls for justice…
Flashback: Then & Now
In the almost 100 years since its founding in 1922, La Sierra has expanded from a small academy into a 150-acre campus, offering more than 120 degree programs.
Young Alumni Gather for Inaugural Reunion
Although Homecoming 2020 was canceled due to the restrictions of COVID-19, La Sierra University was still able to celebrate the youngest generations of former students during the inaugural Young Alumni and Families Weekend on February 15 and 16.
Jaylene Chung honored with first Young Alumni Eagle award
As her first mentors, Jaylene Chung’s parents proved that service is pivotal to a meaningful existence. Following their lead, she has built her life upon their example by finding innovative ways to help those in need.
Also in this issue
From the President: Our Story, God’s Story
A few weeks ago, I participated in a virtual meeting where the presenter was asked to speak about leading in a crisis. He began by stating, “No one in leadership, certainly not me, has lived through a pandemic. You, just like me, are doing the best you can with the information you have at the moment.”
Faculty Spotlight
La Sierra University welcomes Ron Osborn, PhD and Marlene Ferreras, PhD as the newest additions to its world class faculty.What do you like best about your field of teaching? Ron Osborn: Ethics and philosophy allow one to explore strange and puzzling quandaries that...
Ask a Professor: How do I know if what I read in the news is true?
In the digital age, we have access to immeasurable pages of information at our fingertips. You can quickly find out “how to get rid of hiccups” or “when is strawberry season” without much focus on the sources providing the answer. But what about when you need more serious information, like the news?
- Natalie Romero ’11, ’13
- Darla Martin Tucker ’15
- Katie Huffman ’13
- Natalie Romero ’11, ’13
- Shaina Hall
News Editor
- Darla Martin Tucker ’15
Photo Editor
- Natan Vigna ’00, ’01
Design & Development
- Eric Melgosa
- Marcelo Vetter ’17
- Chris Wilden ’12
La Sierra University Magazine is produced by the Office of Communication and Integrated Marketing at La Sierra University. For past issues, please visit Follow La Sierra on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.