by Katie Huffman
In the almost 100 years since its founding in 1922, La Sierra has expanded from a small academy into a 150-acre campus, offering more than 120 degree programs. In the last 15 years alone, the university has erected new buildings, developed new departments, and elected our first woman University President. The landscape and leadership of the campus has changed over time, but what about the student experience? We asked current students and alumni to share their favorite La Sierra memories in order to see how things have changed—or stayed the same—over the years.
(This article was compiled prior to the end of Spring quarter—some seniors mentioned here may now be alumni of La Sierra University.)
Q: What is/was your experience like in the dorms?

“I loved living In Angwin. It was close walking distance to almost everything on campus. I also enjoyed the social events the dorm had, like the ice cream social, Easter egg hunt, and clothing exchange.”
-Ashley Aylsworth ’14
Human Resource Management

“The atmosphere was conducive to study and made for close camaraderie.”
-Dr. John Buchholz ’80

“I love the dorms. I would recommend people live in the dorms if they can because it opens up opportunities to be part of the campus community, build relationships with people outside of your major and classes, and allows you to take full advantage of the resources on campus.”
-Emily “Sukie” Suk
Sophomore, Music: Vocal Emphasis
and Pre-Occupational Therapy
Q: How do/did you utilize the library?
“I studied there almost exclusively—every day and evenings. My favorite study spot was by one of the big windows looking out towards Calkins Hall.”
-Elizabeth Fitchijian ’60

“I used the library for research; the curriculum lab was useful during my Master’s work.”
-Pam Coffey ’76, ’93
Physical Education and
MA Elementary Education

“The Ellen White Estate Room in the downstairs section of the Library, [which] was run by my aunt, Sandy Hart, was essential for my theological training.”
-Rev. Dr. Michael A. Chester ’95
Ministerial Studies

“My favorite spot is the Atrium in the Library as it is so relaxing and quiet. It’s a little haven.”
-Danielea (Calondra) Quillen
Junior, Religious Studies
“I use Link Plus to order books and other resources for papers and projects.”
-Leia Abiador
Sophomore, English: Literature
“Some of my favorite areas to study at are the study rooms downstairs or the Lincoln Room.”
-Ebubechi Idika
Junior, Business: Marketing and Management
Q: What is/was your favorite food in the cafeteria?
“Mexican food.”
-Gail Schatzschneider ’60

“Chicken patties and Chinese food.”
-Shela Cristiani
Junior, Biology: Biomedical Science
“The vegan chocolate chip cookies.”
-Andrea Lau
Sophomore, Pre-Nursing
Q: Are you involved/did you get involved
on campus?

“I acted in plays through the Drama program and participated on the Improv team.”
-William Appiah ’13
English: Creative Writing

“My final year I was in the Class Senate and we successfully had a line dance in the quad.”
-Rev. Dr. Michael A. Chester ’95
Ministerial Studies

“I played clarinet in the Wind Ensemble, served on the SALSU Constitution & Bylaws Board as well as SALSU Senate Judicial Committee, served as Marketing VP Officer for the Pre-Law Society, and acted in Musicals.”
-Svetlana Sheindlin
Junior, Business & Society, Political Economy, and Management
“I am the captain of the Cross Country team and Enactus Project leader.”
-Gauge Hill
Junior, Business: Marketing and Management
Q: What is/was your favorite class?

“Childhood in Global Perspective was one of my favorite classes. It was the first class to really open my eyes to how the world is. The injustices I learned about made me so angry, but in a good way – in a way that made me want to do something about it.”
-Emily Hirata ’12
Global Studies

“The Tioman, Malaysia 6-week course with Dr. Lee Grismer. To this day I regale my friends and family with stories of the beauty and novelty of that experience.”
-Xenia J. Garofalo ’06
“I had planned to take pre-nursing courses leading to a career as a nurse, so I signed up for Anatomy and Physiology. I studied and got top grades so the professor put me in charge of the ‘cat’ lab when I was a sophomore! I enjoyed teaching my own classmates so much that I decided to change my college major.”
-Gail Schatzschneider ’60

“Women in Management with Dulce Pena. She made the class interactive and informative. I still use the information I learned in my career today.”
-Ashley Aylsworth ’14
Human Resource Management

“Business Law and Contracts with Dr. Fox.”
-Samuel Carvajal
Senior, Accounting and Corporate Finance

“My favorite class has been Music theory. Though it is a challenging class, I have learned so much and am able to utilize it frequently while performing in music.”
-Emily “Sukie” Suk
Sophomore, Music: Vocal Emphasis
and Pre-Occupational Therapy

“Religion & Gender with Marlene Ferreras.”
-Danielea (Calondra) Quillen
Junior, Religious Studies
Q: Where is/was your favorite place to spend time on campus?

“Near the physical plant because it provided a view of the whole city and campus.”
-Dr. John Buchholz ’80
“The Computer Science majors’ computer lab.”
-Daniel Osborne ’08
Computer Science

“Ambs Hall courtyard.”
-Elisabeth Breen
Junior, Psychology
“The beach courts right next to the swimming pool. My friends and I will go play beach volleyball to train for our intramural volleyball team.”
-Leia Abiador
Sophomore, English: Literature

“Usually when I have been studying really hard in the library, I like to exit and sit on one of the stone benches and just take in the scenery. It refreshes me. It also serves as a place of inspiration. I know that when I graduate, all the graduating students meet at this location in front of the library. It reminds me that one day I will stand in this same place and take in the scenery one last time…before I go out and make a difference in the world.”
-Jonathan “JC” Carreon
Junior, Computer Science
Q: What has been your most memorable service learning or volunteer experience?
“Tutoring at the high school was both challenging and rewarding. It was neat to see students picking up on concepts that they were struggling with and knowing I was making a difference.”
-Daniel Osborne ’08
Computer Science

“My biggest takeaway would be when I was working with folks that had dementia. Seeing their interaction with each other, or lack thereof, was interesting. It showed me how powerful our thoughts and memories are/can be. You have to cherish the moments.”
-William Appiah ’13
English: Creative Writing

“In between my sophomore and junior year, I spent a year in Rwanda as a student missionary…I lived in the rural countryside at an orphanage with 75+ kids with no running water, unreliable electricity, questionable food, and very few people speaking English. Life was full of challenges, but I learned so much about myself and how to practice patience, humility, and selflessness. That year in Rwanda really helped me see that I wanted to work in the field of international development and humanitarianism for the rest of my life, helping me understand that serving the world’s most vulnerable in very practical ways was God’s calling for me. This experience is the reason I went on to graduate school to study global health and is the reason I now work for ADRA.”
-Emily Hirata ’12
Global Studies

“I love working with Ron and Carol Sue at SOLA house.”
-Lorelei Hughes
Senior, Biology: Biomedical Science
“I got the opportunity to spend time with elementary students…The afternoon consisted of opening presents, singing Christmas tunes, and playing games. It was one of the most heartwarming things that I have ever done. Seeing the excitement of the kids when they received their gifts and reading the letters they wrote us (I still have my letter to this day) were just small parts of this that brought me joy.”
-Ebubechi Idika
Junior, Business: Marketing and Management

“Preparing food for the kids at Operation SafeHouse.”
-Casey Jang
Senior, Finance and Political Economy
Q: How did/has your time at La Sierra impact(ed) your faith?

“My time there increased my faith; to this day I miss the chapel services we would attend twice a week and the music—I truly miss the music.”
-Xenia J. Garofalo ’06

“La Sierra reinforced a faith that was already growing in me. I had amazing Christian parents who laid the groundwork for my SDA beliefs. They believed in Adventist education. From 1st grade through my Master’s program I have an Adventist education.”
-Pam Coffey ’76, ’93
Physical Education and
MA Elementary Education
“La Sierra changed my life. I was baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist faith during my freshman year and changed my major to religion. I am still a dedicated member of the SDA church. As such I had the opportunity to witness frequently during my 38 years as an employee of the Federal Government in Washington, D.C.”
-Elizabeth Fitchijian ’60

“La Sierra has been a great place for me to strengthen my relationship with God. I want to thank the professors on campus that have really encouraged me to dive deeper into the Word.”
-Jonathan “JC” Carreon
Junior, Computer Science

“I really greatly enjoy Pastor Oberg’s sermons.”
-Lorelei Hughes
Senior, Biology: Biomedical Science
Do you have memories of your days at La Sierra University that you would like to share with other alumni? Be sure to join our Alumni Facebook group to connect with former classmates, colleagues, and old friends. We also invite you to contribute to our centennial project by sending us no more than 5 photos or memories of 500 words or less to by August 15, 2020. All materials are subject to editing.