by Kiana Krumm ’20
During my senior year of high school, I had to make a tough choice. As a volleyball player, I was exploring the possibilities of playing at several different universities. Choosing La Sierra University was by far the best decision I could have made because of the amazing doors that opened up for me—La Sierra has given me opportunities that have completely changed my life.
Volleyball is a huge part of me, and is at the core of my college experience. Playing with such dedicated teammates at La Sierra, and learning from the absolute best coaches anyone could ask for, has guided me towards truly loving the sport and all that it entails. My coaches, Skye and Erin, have devoted their life to volleyball and taught me to have discipline and passion for not just the game, but also life. My freshman year was incredible: our team won the Cal Pac Conference playoffs championships, went to the first round of nationals, and I was named All-conference freshman player of the year!

While I knew I wanted to play volleyball, I didn’t know what I wanted to do for my career. By the end of my freshman year, I still had an undeclared major. But by the start of my sophomore year I decided that I wanted major in Sociology, while also taking classes in pre-communication sciences and disorders in order to become a Speech Language Pathologist. The Sociology department always made me feel at home and happy. My professors were supportive and understanding about my countless volleyball games, both at home and away. The support of my program truly enabled me to become the best student-athlete that I could.
Around this same time, I realized that I also wanted to study abroad. As soon as volleyball season ended, I went to Sagunto, Spain and studied for a quarter with my best friend who was also on the team. My experience in Europe was unforgettable and left me craving more travel. This led me to move to Entre Rios, Argentina to study two full quarters my Junior year. I am half Argentinian, so while I was living there I got to know my extended family. I learned a different perspective, while also feeling at home. This unique experience was made even better since I also got to train with several volleyball teams while abroad.

I returned to the states with a hunger to become the best player that I could be—it was going to be my last season, and I wanted to give my La Sierra team my all. Although we did not win the championship, we played harder than ever before and ended the season with prayers, hugs, and tears of joy. Being a student-athlete at the collegiate level allowed me to bond with fellow teammates whom I can now call friends for life. I met a family within this athletic program that I will eternally be grateful for.
Every day at La Sierra was a blessing, whether it was spent training, studying, or working. Attending La Sierra became about more than just volleyball (although I discovered that I did not want my volleyball career to end and I plan on continuing to play abroad in the coming year). Thanks to La Sierra, I experienced awesome new cultures, identified a career path that excites me, and so much more. I will be forever grateful to my coaches, teammates, and professors for supporting and encouraging my process of self-discovery.